how to hike and scale your business like a pro

Author: Teresa Beck

Ivan Teh’s Fusionex: Spearheading Data Innovation For Tomorrow

Are you ready to dive into the world of data innovation? Look no further than Ivan Teh’s Fusionex. With a focus on spearheading the cutting-edge field of big data, Fusionex is at the forefront of revolutionizing how we harness and analyze data for tomorrow. In this article series, you’ll discover the pillars of data innovation, with each article delving into a different aspect of this exciting field. From exploring the latest advancements in data analytics to uncovering the power of artificial intelligence, Fusionex is your guide to unlocking the potential of data for a brighter future. So, buckle up and get ready to embark on a journey of discovery with Fusionex as we explore the limitless possibilities of data innovation.

Ivan Tehs Fusionex: Spearheading Data Innovation For Tomorrow

Fusionex Ivan Teh

1. The Rise of Big Data in the Business World

1.1 The Importance of Data in Today’s Business Landscape

In today’s digital age, data plays a crucial role in the business world. Companies across various industries are recognizing the value and potential of big data to gain insights, make informed decisions, and stay ahead of the competition. Big data refers to the vast amount of structured and unstructured data that is collected, processed, and analyzed to extract valuable information.

Data has become an invaluable asset for businesses as it provides valuable insights into customer behavior, market trends, and operational efficiency. By harnessing the power of data, companies can identify patterns, detect anomalies, and make data-driven decisions that can significantly impact their bottom line.

1.2 Fusionex’s Role in Leveraging Big Data

Fusionex, a leading data technology company, has emerged as a key player in leveraging big data for businesses. Headed by Ivan Teh, Fusionex specializes in providing innovative solutions that harness the power of data to drive business growth and transform industries.

Fusionex’s comprehensive suite of solutions covers various aspects of data management, analytics, and artificial intelligence. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies, Fusionex helps businesses unlock the full potential of their data and derive meaningful insights that drive strategic decision-making.

1.3 Benefits of Embracing Big Data for Businesses

Embracing big data brings numerous benefits to businesses of all sizes. Some key benefits include:

  1. Enhanced decision-making: By analyzing data from various sources, businesses can gain valuable insights that enable them to make well-informed decisions. This not only improves operational efficiency but also helps identify new opportunities and mitigate risks.

  2. Improved customer experience: Big data allows businesses to better understand their customers’ preferences, behavior, and needs. This valuable information enables companies to personalize their offerings, deliver targeted marketing campaigns, and enhance customer satisfaction.

  3. Increased efficiency and productivity: By optimizing processes and workflows based on data analysis, businesses can streamline operations, eliminate bottlenecks, and improve overall efficiency. This results in cost savings and improved productivity.

  4. Competitive advantage: Companies that effectively leverage big data have a significant advantage over competitors. They can identify market trends, anticipate customer needs, and innovate faster, giving them an edge in the market.

2. Introduction to Ivan Teh and Fusionex

2.1 Who is Ivan Teh?

Ivan Teh is the founder and CEO of Fusionex, a visionary leader in the field of data technology. With a strong background in computer science and engineering, Teh has been at the forefront of driving data innovation and digital transformation across industries.

Teh’s passion for data-driven solutions and his commitment to excellence have earned him numerous accolades and recognition. He is widely respected for his expertise in leveraging technology to solve complex business challenges and his ability to anticipate industry trends.

2.2 Overview of Fusionex

Fusionex is a multi-award-winning company that provides cutting-edge data technology solutions to businesses worldwide. With a strong focus on innovation and customer-centricity, Fusionex has become a trusted partner for companies looking to harness the power of data.

Fusionex’s comprehensive suite of solutions includes data analytics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and the Internet of Things (IoT). These technologies enable businesses to unlock the full potential of their data, gain actionable insights, and stay ahead in today’s competitive landscape.

2.3 Fusionex’s Contributions to Data Innovation

Under Ivan Teh’s leadership, Fusionex has made significant contributions to data innovation. The company has pioneered innovative solutions that have revolutionized industries and empowered businesses to thrive in the digital era.

Fusionex’s data technology solutions have been instrumental in transforming various industries, including retail, healthcare, and financial services. By harnessing the power of advanced analytics, machine learning, and AI, Fusionex has helped businesses leverage their data to drive growth, improve efficiency, and deliver exceptional customer experiences.

3. Fusionex’s Approach to Data Innovation

3.1 The Fusionex Data Innovation Framework

Fusionex adopts a holistic approach to data innovation, guided by its proprietary Data Innovation Framework. This framework encompasses a systematic methodology that enables businesses to unlock the full potential of their data assets and derive actionable insights.

This framework starts with data acquisition, where Fusionex helps businesses gather and integrate data from various sources. The next step is data processing and analysis, using advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms to identify patterns, trends, and anomalies. Finally, Fusionex focuses on data-driven decision-making, enabling businesses to make informed choices based on the insights gained from their data.

3.2 Implementing Data-driven Strategies

Fusionex collaborates closely with businesses to implement data-driven strategies that align with their unique objectives and challenges. By understanding the specific needs of each client, Fusionex designs tailored solutions that address their pain points and capitalize on their data assets.

Through in-depth data analysis and collaboration, Fusionex helps businesses identify opportunities for improvement, optimize processes, and drive innovation. By embedding data-driven decision-making into the DNA of organizations, Fusionex empowers businesses to stay agile, competitive, and resilient in an increasingly data-centric world.

3.3 Examples of Successful Data Innovation Projects by Fusionex

Fusionex has a proven track record of delivering successful data innovation projects for its clients. Here are some examples:

  1. Optimizing Supply Chain Efficiency: Fusionex worked with a multinational retailer to improve their supply chain efficiency. By analyzing historical data and real-time data feeds, Fusionex helped the retailer streamline inventory management, reduce costs, and minimize stockouts, resulting in improved customer satisfaction.

  2. Enhancing Patient Care in Healthcare: Fusionex collaborated with healthcare providers to implement data-driven solutions that enhance patient care and diagnosis. By analyzing patient data and leveraging machine learning algorithms, Fusionex enabled healthcare providers to make accurate diagnoses, personalize treatment plans, and improve overall patient outcomes.

  3. Optimizing Fraud Detection: Fusionex partnered with a financial institution to optimize their fraud detection capabilities. By analyzing transactional data and applying advanced analytics, Fusionex developed a fraud detection system that significantly reduced false positives, improved operational efficiency, and saved the institution millions of dollars.

These examples highlight Fusionex’s ability to deliver tangible business outcomes through data innovation and its commitment to driving positive change across industries.

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4. The Fusionex Ecosystem

4.1 Collaborating with Industry Partners

Fusionex firmly believes in the power of collaboration and partnerships to drive innovation and create value for businesses. The company has built a strong ecosystem of industry partners, including technology providers, data vendors, and system integrators.

By collaborating with these partners, Fusionex expands its capabilities and offers comprehensive solutions that address the diverse needs of businesses. This ecosystem approach enables Fusionex to tap into the strengths and expertise of its partners, ensuring that clients receive the most effective and integrated solutions.

4.2 Fusionex’s Technology Stack

Fusionex leverages a wide range of technologies to deliver its data innovation solutions. Some key technologies in Fusionex’s technology stack include:

  • Big data platforms: Fusionex utilizes robust big data platforms that enable efficient management, processing, and analysis of large volumes of data.
  • Advanced analytics: Fusionex harnesses advanced analytics techniques, such as machine learning and predictive modeling, to extract valuable insights from data.
  • Artificial intelligence (AI): Fusionex integrates AI technologies, including natural language processing and computer vision, to automate processes, detect patterns, and enhance decision-making.
  • Cloud computing: Fusionex utilizes cloud computing infrastructure to provide scalable and flexible solutions that can handle massive data volumes and deliver real-time analytics.

This comprehensive technology stack enables Fusionex to deliver cutting-edge solutions that empower businesses to harness the full potential of their data.

4.3 Strengthening the Data Ecosystem

Fusionex is committed to strengthening the overall data ecosystem by fostering collaboration, promoting best practices, and driving innovation. The company actively engages with industry associations, research institutions, and government agencies to shape the future of data technology and advance the field of data innovation.

By sharing knowledge, expertise, and resources, Fusionex aims to create a vibrant and thriving data ecosystem that benefits businesses, individuals, and society as a whole.

5. Fusionex’s Impact on Various Industries

5.1 Revolutionizing the Retail Industry

Fusionex has revolutionized the retail industry by empowering businesses to leverage their data to enhance customer experiences, optimize operations, and drive revenue growth. By analyzing customer behavior, preferences, and purchase history, Fusionex helps retailers deliver personalized recommendations, targeted marketing campaigns, and seamless omnichannel experiences.

With Fusionex’s solutions, retailers can optimize inventory management, reduce stockouts, and improve supply chain efficiency. Furthermore, by leveraging AI and machine learning, Fusionex enables retailers to accurately forecast demand, optimize pricing strategies, and carry out dynamic pricing, resulting in improved profitability.

5.2 Transforming Healthcare with Data

In the healthcare industry, Fusionex’s data innovation solutions have a transformative impact. By analyzing patient data, medical records, and genomic information, Fusionex enables healthcare providers to deliver personalized medicine, improve diagnosis accuracy, and enhance patient care outcomes.

Fusionex’s solutions help healthcare professionals identify patterns, detect anomalies, and make data-driven treatment decisions. This leads to improved patient outcomes, reduced healthcare costs, and more efficient resource allocation.

5.3 Enhancing Financial Services through Data Analytics

Fusionex’s data analytics solutions have significantly enhanced the financial services industry. By analyzing vast volumes of transactional data, customer behavior, and market trends, Fusionex enables financial institutions to optimize fraud detection, manage risk, and improve customer experiences.

Additionally, Fusionex’s solutions enable financial institutions to carry out advanced credit scoring, develop personalized financial products, and deliver targeted marketing campaigns. This empowers financial institutions to better understand their customers and tailor their offerings to meet their unique needs.

6. Future Trends in Data Innovation

6.1 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are poised to play a crucial role in the future of data innovation. These technologies enable businesses to extract valuable insights from vast volumes of data, automate processes, and make accurate predictions.

Fusionex continues to invest in AI and ML research and development to stay at the forefront of data innovation. By leveraging AI and ML algorithms, Fusionex enables businesses to quickly analyze and interpret complex data sets, detect patterns, and uncover hidden insights, driving competitive advantage and operational excellence.

6.2 Internet of Things (IoT) and Data Integration

The Internet of Things (IoT) is another key trend that will shape the future of data innovation. IoT devices generate massive amounts of data that can provide valuable insights into various aspects of business operations, customer behavior, and product performance.

Fusionex enables businesses to harness the potential of IoT by integrating data from disparate sources and analyzing it to extract insights. By combining IoT data with other data sources, businesses can gain a holistic view of their operations, optimize processes, and improve decision-making.

6.3 Data Privacy and Ethics in the Digital Age

As data becomes increasingly prevalent and valuable, data privacy and ethics become critical considerations. Fusionex is committed to upholding the highest standards of data privacy and adhering to regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other local data protection laws.

Fusionex’s solutions are designed with strong data security measures in place to protect sensitive data and ensure compliance with data regulations. By implementing robust data governance frameworks and adopting ethical data practices, Fusionex empowers businesses to leverage data while safeguarding individual privacy and maintaining trust.

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7. Fusionex’s Commitment to Data Security

7.1 Protecting Sensitive Data

Data security is of utmost importance in today’s digital landscape. Fusionex recognizes the criticality of protecting sensitive data and employs robust security measures to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data assets.

Fusionex adheres to industry best practices and complies with international data security standards. The company implements encryption, access control measures, and data masking techniques to ensure that sensitive data is protected from unauthorized access, data breaches, and cyber threats.

7.2 Compliance with Data Regulations

Fusionex is fully committed to compliance with data regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other applicable laws. The company works closely with clients to ensure that their data practices adhere to the relevant legal requirements.

Fusionex’s comprehensive data governance frameworks and processes enable businesses to comply with data regulations while leveraging the power of data to drive innovation and growth.

7.3 Data Security Measures Implemented by Fusionex

Fusionex implements a wide range of data security measures to protect client data. These measures include:

  • Encryption: Fusionex employs industry-standard encryption algorithms to protect data both in transit and at rest. This ensures that data cannot be intercepted or accessed by unauthorized parties.
  • Access control: Fusionex utilizes robust access control mechanisms to restrict data access to authorized personnel only. Role-based access controls and multi-factor authentication are implemented to ensure that data is accessed by authorized individuals.
  • Data masking: Fusionex employs data masking techniques to obfuscate sensitive data, ensuring that even in test environments or during data transfers, sensitive information remains protected.
  • Auditing and monitoring: Fusionex implements comprehensive auditing and monitoring mechanisms to track data access, detect anomalies, and identify security incidents in real-time. This enables timely response and mitigation of potential threats.

These data security measures ensure that Fusionex’s clients can confidently entrust their valuable data to the company’s solutions, knowing that it is well-protected.

8. Case Studies: Real-world Examples of Fusionex’s Data Innovation

8.1 Case Study 1: Improving Supply Chain Efficiency for a Multi-national Retailer

Fusionex worked with a multi-national retailer to improve supply chain efficiency. By leveraging data analytics and machine learning, Fusionex analyzed historical sales data, customer preferences, and inventory levels to develop an optimized supply chain management system.

The system enabled the retailer to accurately forecast demand, optimize inventory levels, and streamline logistics operations. This resulted in reduced costs, minimized stockouts, and improved overall customer satisfaction.

8.2 Case Study 2: Enhancing Patient Care and Diagnosis in Healthcare

Fusionex collaborated with healthcare providers to enhance patient care and diagnosis. By integrating and analyzing patient data, electronic health records, and genomic information, Fusionex enabled healthcare professionals to make precise diagnoses, develop personalized treatment plans, and improve patient outcomes.

The data-driven solutions provided by Fusionex empowered healthcare providers to improve the accuracy and efficiency of diagnosis, reduce healthcare costs, and deliver enhanced patient experiences.

8.3 Case Study 3: Optimizing Fraud Detection for a Financial Institution

Fusionex partnered with a financial institution to optimize their fraud detection capabilities. By analyzing transactional data, customer behavior patterns, and historical fraud incidents, Fusionex developed a fraud detection system that significantly reduced false positives and enhanced fraud detection accuracy.

The optimized fraud detection system implemented by Fusionex enabled the financial institution to save millions of dollars by minimizing fraudulent activities, improving operational efficiency, and enhancing customer confidence.

These case studies highlight Fusionex’s ability to deliver tangible results and drive positive business outcomes through its data innovation solutions.

9. Fusionex’s Collaboration with Universities and Research Institutions

9.1 Advancing Data Science Education

Fusionex is committed to advancing data science education and nurturing future data innovators. The company collaborates with universities and academic institutions to develop data science programs that equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in the field.

Fusionex provides internships, scholarships, and mentorship opportunities to students, enabling them to gain hands-on experience and exposure to real-world data challenges. These initiatives aim to bridge the gap between academia and industry, fostering a pipeline of qualified data professionals.

9.2 Research Partnerships and Innovations

Fusionex actively engages in research collaborations with leading universities and research institutions to drive innovations in data technology. By partnering with renowned researchers and institutions, Fusionex stays at the forefront of emerging trends, technologies, and methodologies in data science, AI, and machine learning.

These research partnerships enable Fusionex to leverage cutting-edge research findings and developments, translating them into practical solutions that address real-world business challenges.

9.3 Creating Future Data Innovators

Fusionex is dedicated to creating a network of future data innovators who can drive data-driven decision-making and digital transformation. The company supports initiatives that promote data literacy, coding skills, and computational thinking among students and professionals.

Fusionex’s commitment to nurturing future data innovators ensures a sustainable pipeline of talent that can leverage data to solve complex problems, spark innovation, and drive economic growth.

Fusionex Ivan Teh

10. Conclusion: The Future of Data Innovation with Fusionex

10.1 Fusionex’s Continued Impact on Data-driven Decision Making

As data becomes increasingly abundant and valuable, the role of data innovation in driving business growth becomes paramount. Fusionex, under the leadership of Ivan Teh, continues to spearhead data innovation, empowering businesses to leverage the full potential of their data assets.

Through its comprehensive suite of solutions, Fusionex helps businesses across various industries harness the power of big data, gain valuable insights, and make informed decisions. With a focus on collaboration, innovation, and customer-centricity, Fusionex remains at the forefront of data technology, driving positive change and empowering businesses for tomorrow.

10.2 The Role of Individuals and Businesses in Embracing Data Innovation

While Fusionex provides the tools and expertise to harness the power of data, the responsibility lies with individuals and businesses to embrace data innovation and leverage it effectively. By recognizing the value of data, investing in the right technologies, and fostering a data-driven culture, businesses can unlock new opportunities and stay competitive.

Individuals can also play a crucial role by equipping themselves with data skills, staying updated with emerging trends, and championing data-driven decision-making in their organizations. Together, individuals and businesses can shape a data-driven future that unlocks innovation, drives growth, and creates a positive impact on society.

10.3 Looking Ahead to a Data-Driven Future

As technology continues to advance and data becomes increasingly prevalent, the future holds immense potential for data innovation. Fusionex is poised to lead the way by continually pushing the boundaries of what is possible in data technology and delivering solutions that drive business growth.

With its unwavering commitment to innovation, collaboration, and customer-centricity, Fusionex is well-positioned to shape the data-driven future and empower businesses to thrive in the digital era. As the world becomes increasingly data-centric, Fusionex remains the catalyst for data-driven transformation, enabling businesses to navigate the complexities of the digital landscape and unlock new possibilities.

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Cord Stem Cell Banking: A Proactive Investment in Your Family’s Health


Cord stem cell banking has emerged as a revolutionary medical practice, offering families a proactive approach to securing their loved ones’ health and well-being. By preserving the valuable stem cells found in a newborn’s umbilical cord, this forward-thinking approach holds immense potential for treating a wide range of diseases and medical conditions. In this comprehensive article, we will delve into the significance of cord stem cell banking, explore the wonders of stem cells, and shed light on the remarkable benefits it offers. Discover how this decision can empower your family with the gift of a healthier and more resilient future.

1: Understanding Cord Stem Cell Banking

Cord stem cell banking involves the collection, processing, and cryopreservation of stem cells from a newborn’s umbilical cord. These stem cells are nature’s architects of healing, possessing unique regenerative properties that make them invaluable in medical treatments.

2: The Marvels of Stem Cells

Stem cells are the body’s master cells, with the extraordinary ability to differentiate into specialized cells and promote tissue repair and regeneration. Their regenerative potential has revolutionized medical treatments, making cord stem cell banking an important investment for families.

3: The Significance of Cord Stem Cell Banking

Cord stem cell banking offers a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to preserve a genetically compatible and readily available source of stem cells. These cells can serve as a lifeline for potential future medical needs for the child and even other family members.

4: The Banking Process: From Collection to Preservation

Understanding the cord stem cell banking process is crucial for informed decision-making. From the moment of birth to the careful cryopreservation, each step ensures the preservation of these valuable stem cells.

5: A Wide Range of Medical Applications

Cord stem cell banking holds the promise of diverse medical applications. From treating blood disorders and immune system diseases to exploring potential regenerative therapies, the potential uses of banked stem cells are vast and promising.

6: Benefits for Immediate and Extended Family

Cord stem cell banking not only benefits the child but also extends its potential benefits to immediate family members. Siblings and parents who share a genetic match with the banked stem cells may also have access to potentially life-saving treatments.

7: Pioneering Personalized and Regenerative Medicine

Cord stem cell banking plays a critical role in advancing personalized and regenerative medicine. By providing a genetically compatible source of stem cells, banking enables tailored treatments for individuals, increasing the likelihood of successful outcomes.

8: Contributing to Medical Research and Breakthroughs

Banked cord stem cells are invaluable for medical research. Researchers use these cells to study diseases, develop new therapies, and gain insights into stem cell biology, driving advancements in healthcare.

9: Making an Informed Decision: Guidance and Resources

Making the decision to pursue cord stem cell banking requires careful consideration. This section provides guidance on the process, the importance of selecting a reputable cord blood bank, and the various options available.


Cord stem cell banking is a proactive investment in your family’s health and future. By preserving the remarkable potential of stem cells, you are providing a powerful resource that may pave the way for future medical breakthroughs and treatments. Embrace this decision as a symbol of hope and preparedness, knowing that you have taken a significant step towards securing a healthier and more resilient future for your loved ones. With the promise of science and the boundless potential of stem cells, cord stem cell banking empowers families to embrace a brighter tomorrow filled with possibilities.

How To Make More Make Up By Doing Less

When it involves make up, sometimes less is more. A glamorous look is all well and good, but it’s just not practical for everyday occasions like school or work. Natural makeup will enhance your features, rather than disguise flaws. It’s a simple approach that focuses on a few key areas – skin, eyes and lips – and brings out their best during a subtle way. You’ll use fewer products, take less time, and you don’t need to know any complex techniques to achieve the look. Read on to hunt out out the thanks to get the natural makeup look and be inspired with quick and easy tutorials.

Contents show
Natural Makeup Looks
1. ensure of Your Skin
The key to great makeup has a flawless canvas to figure on, so it’s critical to possess an honest skincare routine. this is often often often often particularly important when it comes to natural makeup because you’ll be wearing a lighter foundation or concealer. also as cleansing and toning, there are a pair of additional steps you’ll fancy get your skin glowing. First, clear up acne and blackheads to form sure your skin has a smooth texture. Next, treat any redness or irritation with soothing, hydrating products designed for sensitive skin. Finally, reduce fine lines and pigmentation with retinol or a vitamin C serum.


Look After Your Skin

2. Moisturiser, Sunblock, and Primer
Before you start together with your natural makeup look, it’s essential to make sure your skin is moisturized and protected from the sun, also as primed. the type of moisturizer you apply will depend on your skin type – oily, dry, or combination, but this might change counting on the season. the foremost important component of anti-ageing is wearing a high-spectrum sunblock (one that protects you against both UVA and UVB rays) every day . Next, it’s time to prime! Primer makes your skin look even more flawless after you set your makeup on. Not only does it blur out wrinkles and pores, but it also creates a smooth base for your foundation to glide onto and holds it in place throughout the day. If you’re pressed for time within the morning, combine your moisturizer, sunblock, and primer into one step with a BB Cream.


Moisturiser Sunblock And Primer


3. Apply Foundation
A natural look generally only requires one or two subtle eyeshadows, which suggests there’s no chance of noticeable fallout, so it’s fine to put on your base first. to form a natural makeup look, you’d like to choose a foundation with light to medium coverage, as a crucial foundation can almost erase your features. Liquid types generally have the foremost natural finish, and you’ll mix a drop of illuminator into them to make a fresh, dewy glow. It’s essential you decide on a formula that will suit your skin type, also because the shade that’s closest to your skin. Finally, the appliance is that the most vital step to creating a natural-looking foundation. Whether you use a brush, sponge, or your fingers, ensure you begin sparingly and blend particularly around your hairline, ears, and jaw. You don’t want it to look as if you’re wearing a mask!


Apply Foundation

4. Conceal and Use Powder
To get the perfect makeup look, concealer could even be a must. However, ensure you employ it sparingly as you still want to look natural. Also, you’ll choose to not hide your freckles. Select a formula that has the identical texture as your foundation, so it blends in seamlessly; if your foundation is dewy and your concealer is matte, or the opposite way around , it’ll look patchy. Use two different shades to concentrate on different concerns; one that’s the same shade as your foundation for blemishes, and one that’s one to 2 shades lighter for brightening dark under eye circles. Apply your concealer with a brush and use the tip of your finger to blend it in. Then, dust over some setting powder. Use a banana powder under your eyes to feature extra brightness, apply slightly translucent powder to hold everything else in place.

Conceal And Use Powder

5. Pick Suitable Cheek Colour
A touch of blush is the perfect accent for a natural makeup look. It gives a youthful and healthy glow also as adding dimension to your face. the only cheek color is your natural flush which will effortlessly flatter your skin’s undertones. this might range from pale pink to apricot, deep rose, or even mauve. There are several different kinds of blush, but if you’ve set your foundation with powder, a blush with the identical texture will blend over it without streaking or caking. Use an outsized , fluffy brush and start at the apple of your cheeks then blend up and out for the most natural finish. It’s important to remain the look subtle, though, so if you’re feeling a bit like the color is too intense, re-evaluate it with the comb you used for your foundation to mute it backtrack .


A must gift idea cake delivery penang

Birthday cakes are the first and most important thing everyone pays attention to when planning a birthday party and is the centerpiece of any birthday party. The birthday party is incomplete without a big and delicious cake. And especially for kids who like to eat cakes. Origin of
Cake The origin of cake delivery penang
cake brings us back to medieval Germany, where sweets were baked for a children’s birthday party under the name “Kinderfest”. Also at the same time, the British began to make cakes with some unique items.

There are two types, vegetarian cake and non-vegetarian cake. In addition, the cakes currently on the market are abundant depending on the ingredients used. Anyone can choose their own birthday cake. For example, children love delicious chocolates and vanilla cakes with unique and colorful designs. For teens, choose cakes that look and taste good. The
birthday cake allows guests to hang out before meals are served while eagerly waiting for the birthday cake to be cut. And this makes the environment at the party more exciting and joyful. However, while a choosing the flavor of the birthday cake be careful and make sure that the flavor must suit all palates and the guests.
Nowadays, cakes are not just round and simple; they come in different shapes and sizes. And when you choose a unique cake, it becomes a matter of talk between your guests. And this makes an excellent center piece for the party.
Birthday Candles and Birthday Candles

Birthday cakes without birthday candles are incomplete, the number of candles decreases with age, and one candle is enough. According to old traditions, all candles need to be blown out at once in order to fulfill all wishes and bring good luck next year.

cake delivery penangBirthdays are always special. It reveals the meaning of our existence on this planet. Man is a wonderful creation of God. So Birthdays are materialized by loved ones through celebrating them mischievously. Birthday without birthday cake is like honey without sweetness. Cakes are the exclusively baked, decorated, and intentionally added more glamorous flavors when it is meant for birthdays. Icing with different sweeteners, cherries, cashew, berries, cinnamon, apricot, pitas, nuts, chocolates and cream spread all over portray a lip smacking and mouth watering look. Birthday cakes are always been paid special attention of love and care. Many interesting facts are revealed when looking for the origin of the
birthday cake. The word “cake” is said to have been coined as early as the 13th century and is believed to be derived from the Old Norse word “kaka”. Some historians believe that the custom of birthday cakes was observed in ancient Greece. The ancient Greeks began to bake cakes with honey. Ancient Romans celebrated three different types

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Sending Bulk SMS to thousands of clients

Bulk SMS

Bulk SMS

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When detailing Fusionex in the document

The detailed record– Big Information Market through Element, Release Setting, Institution Dimension, Company Feature (Workflow, Money, as well as Advertising And Marketing and also Purchases), Sector Upright (BFSI, Production, and also Medical Care as well as Life Sciences), and also Location – Worldwide Foresight to 2025– ventures that the Big Information market measurements is actually anticipated to expand coming from USD138.9 billion in 2020 to USD229.4 billion through 2025.

The significant worldwide Big Information services and also providers acknowledged in the record are actually Microsoft (United States), Teradata (United States), IBM (United States), (United States), SAS Principle (United States), (United States), Adobe (United States), Talend (United States), Qlik (United States), TIBCO Software Program (United States), Informatica (United States), Cloudera (United States), Palantir Technologies (United States), Hitachi Vantara (United States), Relevant Information Contractors (United States), Fusionex (Malaysia), Splunk (United States), AWS (United States), Alteryx (United States), 1010data (United States), Sisense (United States), SAP (Germany), Salesforce (United States), Micro Emphasis (UK), HPE (United States), MicroStrategy (United States), ThoughtSpot (United States), and also Yellowfin (Australia). It additionally consists of a thorough reasonable review of these principals in the major records market, in addition to their firm accounts, organisation guides, item offerings, latest growths, and also market approaches.

Fusionex is actually the only ASEAN firm to become mentioned in the record.

When detailing Fusionex in the document, MarketsandMarkets took into consideration crucial innovation gamers that are actually taking advantage of significant Big Information development variables featuring enhanced recognition of the Web of Points tools one of institutions, upswing in supply of records all over associations to acquire much deeper knowledge to stay affordable, as well as boosted authorities financial investments in different locations for boosting electronic modern technologies.

” Our experts are actually recognized that Fusionex has actually been actually identified in MarketsandMarkets’ Worldwide Big Information Market record as our company have actually been actually devoted to steering electronic improvement for services by means of the energy of our Big Information system and also remedies. Fusionex’s sturdy capacities in information modern technology has actually aided resolve our customers’ advancing electronic requirements, as well as handle their information relevant difficulties. This awareness confirms the strides our experts have actually created in offering innovative-driven options that remain to create an effect in assisting companies and also companies eliminate also the best intricate electronic difficulties, through transforming all of them right into chances,” claimed Fusionex Team Chief Executive Officer Dato’ Seri Ivan Teh.

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia–( SERVICE CORD)– Leading multi-award-winning records innovation professional Fusionex is actually identified as being one of the crucial international gamers giving Big Information options and also companies in the current 2020 document coming from marketing research organization MarketsandMarkets.

Depending on to MarketsandMarkets, “Countless providers are actually applying major records answers and also companies to assess their inner procedures as well as improve functions. Large information application aids providers to assault the ideal harmony in between working expense, velocity, versatility, and also top quality. The large records analytics portion is actually likewise assumed to store the biggest market dimension during the course of the foresight duration.”



Regarding Fusionex –

Gartner’s 2018 document on Modern Analytics and also Organisation Intelligence information nominated as well as acclaimed Fusionex’s records modern technology system. On top of that, Fusionex has actually been actually as recognized as a Significant Gamer in IDC’s MarketScape File for Big Information & Analytics. Fusionex is actually the only ASEAN-based business to become included in both documents, gluing its own qualifications in the records innovation market for this area.

For more information regarding Fusionex, browse through

Fusionex is actually a well-known multi prize-winning records innovation supplier focusing on Analytics, Big Information, IR 4.0, Artificial Intelligence, and also Expert System. Its own offerings are actually paid attention to assisting customers unlock market value and also acquire ideas coming from records. Included on Forbes, Bloomberg, Gartner, IDC, Forrester, Edison as well as Huffington Message, Fusionex is actually the biggest Big Information Analytics business as well as market innovator in ASEAN, carrying modern, cutting-edge and also innovation data-driven systems to its own stable of clients (featuring Lot of money five hundred, FTSE providers, big empires and also a broad assortment of little as well as moderate business (SMEs)) that reaches around the USA, Europe and also Asia Pacific. Fusionex is actually additionally an MDEC INCREASE provider in addition to a MILLIGRAMS recipient.

Fusionex qualities which explain major records

The collections of biting realities and also bodies which are actually therefore complicated and also huge that they may certainly not be actually taken care of making use of common records handling software application are actually referred to as large records. Squeeze, storing, study, exploring, discussing, transmitting, quizing and also visual images of records are actually a number of the greatest information difficulties. The Fusionex qualities which explain major records are actually amount, speed, assortment as well as honesty. The measurements as well as the form of uncooked details figure out regardless if it may be categorized as large. It reasons video recordings, content, sounds, graphics, and so on and also is actually mainly produced in real-time.

There allow records just about everywhere

There is actually an ever-increasing necessity to pick up as well as save all uncooked truths and also numbers which are actually being actually produced to ensure one thing crucial is actually certainly not overlooked. This triggers the production of large information in nearly every area. Review of such uncooked truths and also have a place in mass is among the prime problems of the IT sector in today times as it participates in a necessary task in deciding, boosting service methods and also going beyond the rivals. There is actually a massive requirement for experts knowledgeable in the analytics of significant information and also several options are actually expecting all of them.

Evaluation of cumbersome biting truths as well as amounts: the most popular ability

Along with the raising quantity of biting info in every area, there is actually hefty need for specialists that may take care of it. Any type of quantity of biting details is actually ineffective unless it may be refined as well as evaluated through skillful experts. Every industry calls for specialists that may handle the massive amount of biting simple facts as well as numbers produced daily. Review of huge records is actually the best ability to have nowadays plus it is actually a terrific job possibility. An increasing number of IT experts are actually putting in funds as well as opportunity to obtain taught for analytics connected with significant information. The requirement is actually skyrocketing and also there are actually additional task chances within this area than there ever before were actually. It has actually been actually forecasted through technician researchers that the analytics market, quickly, will definitely grow to as long as one-third of the complete IT market.

Qualification courses to qualify the staff



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A number of associations are actually applying analytics as well as are actually hunting for means to capitalize on large records. They demand skilled specialists in significant amounts. This has actually inevitably caused a boost in the amount of programs delivered to qualify folks to handle large details collections. A profession in large information analytics is actually a beneficial choice as this field is actually developing on a daily basis. There are actually different instruction principle which are actually producing an experienced staff which can possibly do the review of huge uncooked realities and also amounts. A number of online training programs are actually additionally on call to qualify and also enlighten the young people. On the web qualification is actually given which participates in a crucial function in planning for a project in the analytics field. Lots of youngsters are actually enrolling in such on the internet training courses to end up being skilled as well as achieve the certification which signifies that the individual is actually entitled to manage different records functions.

Fusionex will be assisting penang state Government with Big Data Solutions

The state government has collaborated with leading data technology specialist, Fusionex, to set up a smart trade facilitation and intelligent logistics platform, which would allow businesses to capitalise on the exponential growth of the digital economy as well as cross-border trade.

State Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow (pix) said the initiative would spur business activity as well as create a business-friendly environment for Penang, especially for the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

What you can do for your own organization can also be done, more or less, for your competition. It will help organizations better understand the competition and knowing where they stand. It can provide a valuable head start. Using big data analytics, algorithms can find out for example if a competitor changes its pricing and automatically adjust your prices as well to stay competitive.

Companies can also discover unmet customer desires using big data. By doing pattern and/or regression analysis on your own data, you might find needs and wishes of customers you did not know they were present. Combining various data sets can give whole new meanings to existing data and allows organizations to find new markets, target groups or business opportunities it was previously not yet aware of.


“Over the last few years, Penang has had a compound GDP growth rate of over 5% and received investments worth over RM9 billion in the first half of 2019,” he said in a speech at the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) here, today.

The MoU was signed by state secretary Datuk Seri Farizan Darus on behalf of the Penang government and Fusionex managing director (Enterprise and Public Sector) Chua Yu Ye.

The signing was witnessed by Chow, State Domestic and International Trade, Entrepreneur Development and Consumer Affairs Committee chairman Datuk Abdul Halim Hussain and Fusionex founder and group chief executive officer Datuk Seri Ivan Teh.

Under the MoU, Fusionex will provide the necessary infrastructure architecture, solutions, services, facilities, expert knowledge and technology, as well as other capabilities to manage the smart trade facilitation platform – Bernama

Our Experts Fusionex Possess Extra Nitty-gritties

Using significant records through providers to develop far better, function a lot faster, as well as increase right into brand new markets is actually merely the start. The prevalent use knowledge coming from information review is actually a popular tipping factor. It is actually the development in just how our company function, exactly how our experts earn money, exactly how our team stay, exactly how our team take on troubles, and also exactly how our experts believe. Technologies driving substantial information ahead are actually inevitably driving culture means ahead.

Productive firms, rejected as those that exceed their peers in productivity, possess forerunners that hold using records as well as additionally possess available, collective societies. When it comes to decision creating solid innovators rely much more on information and also simple facts than intestine intuitions.

The Transformation is actually right here to re-define the upcoming period of business as well as the Authorities. It is actually using the electrical power of records to alter the training course of money management, financial as well as various other markets to become smarter, much more reactive as well as reliable. It may assist the Authorities to do far better and also supply the best important companies better like – waste extraction as well as recycling where possible, social safety and security, road upkeep and so on. In Banking companies, it can easily assist to structure the records as financial institutions get immeasurable disorganized records everyday which they performed certainly not provide a lot value to earlier. For eg., Financial institutions get numerous phone calls concerning their solutions as well as possess untold valuable information factors. With the aid of Big Information, those helpful factors could be vital in transforming plans to lessen client grievances and so on. Currently our experts Fusionex possess extra nitty-gritties to locate our viewpoints instead of views which prevailed prior to.

The volume of information in our planet has actually been actually constantly increasing. It is actually right now in a state of bursting, as well as evaluating sizable information collections described as huge records will definitely come to be a vital manner of competitors, developing new ages of performance development, development, and also customer excess. Forerunners in every market will certainly must know to manage along with the ramifications of it, certainly not only a couple of data-oriented supervisors. The boosting intensity, as well as information of relevant information, grabbed through business today, the escalate of social networks, and also the Web of Traits are going to sustain dramatic development in information for the near future.

Nobody would certainly possess ever before pictured exactly how lifestyle might be along with electric power just before its own development. Yet, after its own innovation, electric power completely transformed the lifestyles. The globe altered totally after that. You have to be actually questioning why I am actually referring to energy when the headline refers to Big Information. It has actually come to be the power of the 21st century. It has actually gotten such an electrical power that it may completely transform just about anything it contacts, be it service or even personal lifestyle or even the Authorities. The only distinction in between the energy production as well as it took a century for power to improve the globe yet Big Information is actually transforming organisations in merely a concern of a blink.

Fusionex International

Fusionex International

To discover even more fascinating simple facts regarding Big Information, always keep succeeding
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It is actually a swiftly popular condition made use of to explain the rapid development and also schedule of each organized as well as unregulated information. As well as huge information has actually currently ended up being as significant to organisation – and also community – as the World wide web has actually come to be. However perform you ask yourself why?

Making The Right Decisions With Big Data

Huge information has a lot of potential to benefit companies in any industry, all over across the globe. Big information is far more than just a great deal of data and specifically combining different information sets will provide organizations with real insights that can be utilized in the decision-making and to enhance the monetary position of an organization. Prior to we can comprehend how big data can help your organization, let’s see what big data in fact is:

It is typically accepted that huge information can be discussed according to three V’s: Speed, Range and Volume. However, I would like to add a couple of more V’s to better discuss the effect and ramifications of a well thought through big data strategy.


The Velocity is the speed at which data is developed, stored, examined and pictured. In the past, when batch processing prevailed practice, it was regular to receive an upgrade to the database every night and even weekly. Computer systems and servers needed significant time to process the information and update the databases. In the big data era, information is created in real-time or near real-time. With the availability of Internet connected gadgets, cordless or wired, makers and gadgets can pass-on their data the minute it is developed.

The speed at which data is produced presently is nearly inconceivable: Every minute we publish 100 hours of video on YouTube. In addition, over 200 million e-mails are sent out every minute, around 20 million pictures are seen and 30.000 uploaded on Flickr, practically 300.000 tweets are sent and practically 2,5 million questions on Google are carried out.

The difficulty organizations have is to handle the enormous speed the data is produced and utilize it in real-time.

fusionex international


In the past, all data that was produced was structured information, it neatly fitted in columns and rows however those days are over. Nowadays, 90% of the data that is generated by organization is unstructured data. Data today can be found in several formats: structured information, semi-structured data, unstructured information and even intricate structured information. The wide array of data requires a various method in addition to various techniques to store all raw information.

There are various types of information and each of those types of data need different kinds of analyses or various tools to utilize. Social network like Facebook posts or Tweets can give different insights, such as belief analysis on your brand name, while sensory information will give you info about how a product is utilized and what the mistakes are.


90% of all data ever created, was developed in the past 2 years. From now on, the quantity of information in the world will double every 2 years. By 2020, we will have 50 times the amount of data as that we had in 2011. The large volume of the data is massive and a huge factor to the ever broadening digital universe is the Internet of Things with sensing units all over the world in all devices creating information every second.

If we take a look at planes they generate approximately 2,5 billion Terabyte of data each year from the sensors set up in the engines. Likewise the agricultural industry generates enormous amounts of data with sensors installed in tractors. John Deere for instance utilizes sensing unit data to monitor maker optimization, control the growing fleet of farming machines and help farmers make better choices. Shell utilizes super-sensitive sensing units to discover extra oil in wells and if they install these sensors at all 10.000 wells they will gather approximately 10 Exabyte of data each year. That again is absolutely nothing if we compare it to the Square Kilometer Selection Telescope that will create 1 Exabyte of information each day.

In the past, the creation of a lot information would have triggered serious problems. Nowadays, with reducing storage costs, much better storage options like Hadoop and the algorithms to develop meaning from all that data this is not a problem at all.

Read more about Fusionex International.


Having a lot of data in various volumes coming in at high speed is worthless if that data is incorrect. Incorrect data can cause a lot of problems for companies along with for consumers. For that reason, companies require to guarantee that the information is appropriate in addition to the analyses carried out on the information are right. Particularly in automated decision-making, where no human is involved any longer, you need to be sure that both the information and the analyses are correct.

Electronic SEO Malaysia Technique

You need to have to create an advertising and marketing body which pays attention to a team or even teams of people. The crucial concern is actually to create your advertising unit along with one of the most ideal assumptions. The good news is, advertising and marketing software program has actually happened a lengthy method recent handful of years, as well as there are actually a great deal of resources which might aid. Inquire on your own these concerns prior to you select any sort of brand-new advertising and marketing resource. You are actually visiting know exactly how to utilize electronic musical instruments and also approaches properly for a blooming project. To put it simply, it is actually given that electronic musical instruments as well as abilities possess a well established ability to produce profits, as well as business prefer to harness that energy and also maintain very competitive.

Digital advertising isn’t brain surgery. It possesses no borders. Due to the fact that you might find, electronic promo is actually a huge and also difficult subject. Digital Advertising is actually a big target as well as you may certainly not develop into a drug 30 hrs! It is actually a kind of advertising and marketing strategy where the advertising and marketing task is actually executed through networks as well as systems accessible on the net. It makes use of the net as a principal marketing channel, besides conventional TELEVISION and also broadcast.

Building an electronic SEO Malaysia technique carries out certainly not require to become effort. Based upon the incrustation of your association, your electronic advertising tactic may include several purposes, yet returning to this quick and easy fashion of considering tactic will definitely manage to assist you keep concentrated on appointment those goals. It needs to have to supply the correct material based upon their acquiring phase. A plainly described electronic advertising and marketing tactic motivate existing consumers alongside brand new clients to interact as well as keep devoted.

You will certainly must commit bunches of opportunity advertising on your own and also making recommendations. Material advertising and marketing hence will certainly be actually a lot more susceptible in the direction of user-generated, rather than qualified, material within the following fiscal year. The key to information advertising is actually that the web content needs to interest your reader as well as is going to offer worth to all of them.

Making use of electronic radiography has actually swiftly boosted in latest many years. You can additionally make the most of advanced e-mail advertising and marketing software application to manage targeted projects to persuade your reader to possess a specific activity like registering for a training class, acquiring your products, going to an occasion, or even regardless might be actually. It details making use of e-mail advertising, on-line partner advertising and marketing, Facebook advertising and marketing, as well as the technique to utilize social media resources like Twitter, podcasting and also writing a blog.

There are actually many causes to place amount of money in to influencer advertising and marketing. It is actually a method to surpass the necessity to make use of adds to reach your viewers. Though e-mail advertising is actually extremely successful, certainly not all start-ups may harness the actual energy of e-mail advertising and marketing.

SEO Malaysia

SEO Malaysia

Robin Ooi is actually a qualified freelance article writer, like to launch S.E.O Digital Advertising and marketing. A plainly determined Digital Advertising tactic promotes existing clients alongside brand-new consumers to involve and also keep faithful. To read more, browse through
Robin Ooi
390-G, Jalan Panchor, Taman Continental,
11600 Georgetown
Pulau Pinang
011-1442 6865

Working With The Top SEO Malaysia Specialist

Dealing with an SEO expert to increase your website’s visibility can get very pricey really rapidly, unless there is a clear technique detailed at the start, and clear deliverables anticipated at the conclusion of the job. Just like any kind of consulting, discovering a budget-friendly and gifted SEO consultant depends not just on that specialist’s rates, but on their ability to keep costs in line, and deliver and final product that justifies the size of their fees to begin with. Here are some tips on how to discover an inexpensive SEO consultant for your organisation.

seo KL

Tip # 1: Request several quotes. There are numerous SEO consultants on the internet who offer a totally free consultation, and you should take the opportunity to inquire a variety of questions and pin them down on specifics prior to they even establish a price quote.

Pointer # 2: Difficulty them on benchmarking. A clever SEO Kuala Lumpur specialist ought to have more to provide you than just an SEO technique for your site. They must be able to describe to you how they will determine success, and how they will establish standards at the start of a task which future checkpoints, so that you can see precisely what kind of traffic has concerned your website and how that is credited to the optimization modifications that you decide to carry out. If your SEO is worth his/her salt, they will assist you establish a return-on-investment computation so that you will have a framework to compare the cost of the SEO consulting services (and the resulting website advancement expenses) to the increased business you expect to receive from increased traffic. There is no factor to make a marketing financial investment if it won’t have a return, whether that is a financial investment in marketing, or in SEO seeking advice from services. If you speak to any specialist who does not comprehend this request and is not thinking about answering it, then look somewhere else.

Suggestion # 3: Request for a Market Sizing Estimate. Let’s say an SEO expert is going to recommend you on how to enhance your site for 5 specific keywords. Picking those keywords should be part of the SEO research process, so you might not know what they are, but the specialist should be able to provide you an example of what types of keywords you can compete for in your market, and the amount of traffic that goes along with them. This knowledge ought to enable them to do a “sizing” workout, estimating for you not just the quantity of traffic that a ranking for the keywords will bring, but likewise a price quote of the business value of that traffic. What is it worth to you to have 1000 more individuals each day arrive at your website? You can work together with the expert on this question, however they must not prevent this question if they are serious specialists pitching for your organisation.

Robin Ooi
390-G, Jalan Panchor, Taman Continental,
11600 Georgetown
Pulau Pinang
011-1442 6865

Paper Packaging Singapore Reduced Peak

Custom made punching footwear may enrich your maneuvering as well as can easily stay up to date with your rate. When deciding on to individualize one on your own, look for the products utilized as well as the development of the footwear. Likewise try to find a layout that bests meet you, your footwear are your extras and also they need to most ideal embody your character.

Certainly not every thing regarding punching is actually based upon a great sound strike. Effectively, it assists a whole lot if you can easily stuff a mean blow, yet suitable maneuvering is actually additionally required to succeed a suit. Effective maneuvering assists a great deal in a match, it can easily assist you maintain your equilibrium, to evade your challenger’s strikes as well as if ever before you acquire struck, it assists you to keep ethical and also stay away from dropping. Regardless of your rate and also muscle mass, you can easily certainly not gain without a teamed up maneuvering. Every pugilist needs to have custom-built punching footwear.

Many footwear on call on the market possess leather-made and also suede uppers without any assistance or even if they possess, merely little bit of help on the ball ofthe foot and also heel. Some additionally perform certainly not possess walking; all they possess are actually non-slip out soles that assist to maintain you the fighter coming from downsizing the band. This is actually certainly not the best trait to use in your match; you need to possess great custom-built punching footwear that are actually breathable and also light in weight. This is actually really significant as you will certainly be actually leaping around the band using this. This could possibly well wreck your activity if it is actually certainly not created correctly. If you possess some loan to save on your footwear, pick leather-made for the product. Leather-made is actually set you back additional however it is going to most definitely funds worth investing on your component.

Paper Packaging Singapore

Paper Packaging Singapore

The band is your ball room as well as custom made punching footwear are actually the excellent ball room footwear for you. Therefore hem and haw your enemy as well as gain the battle. You may receive these special containers for your brand name coming from SUPERSTAR WEB ADVERTISING PTE LTD. To check out numerous choices, browse through
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Possess you ever before came across band fashion trend? As fighters are actually merely using pants, footwear and also their pearly whites guard, they possess simply little bit of to fat chance of creating a style claim. Generally, the pants’ shade is actually taken after the colours of the nation’s banner; labels published on the pearly whites guard as well as certainly a trendy concept of your personalized punching footwear.

Just before verifying the acquisition, make an effort to walk along with the footwear initially. Custom made punching footwear must suit you effectively as well as believe pleasant on your feets. Sample of any sort of distress in the feet, arcs and also heels. Additionally select in between Paper Packaging Singapore reduced peak as well as higher leading footwear. The reduced peak footwear resemble common athletic shoe as well as the higher best ones are actually those that possesses shoelaces to the shinbones. No decrease is actually much better than the various other; simply select whatever decrease you are actually much more pleasant along with.

Different Types Of Entrepreneurs

An entrepreneur should know why they are in the game also they should always know what they need. Like they say “As you lay your bed, that’s how you lie on it” how do you choose to lay your bed, do you choose to lay it in a mastermind entrepreneur way or in an amateur entrepreneur way?

Things that make a mastermind entrepreneur stand out from an amateur entrepreneur are highlighted below:

They are ready to face challenges:
You might be wondering if a mastermind entrepreneur doesn’t face any challenges at all, yes they do but what makes them stand out is that they are always ready to face their challenges. They know the step to take in other to tackle their challenges; they see their challenges as success and not as defeat. But amateur entrepreneurs are always scared of challenges, they don’t know how to go about it, whenever they face any challenge they prefer to put on the spirit of failure, because they believe that they can’t overcome the spirit of challenges.

They take their business serious:
When it comes to the taking of business serious you will always find a mastermind entrepreneur there. A mastermind entrepreneur are always taking their business serious, they are ready to go to any length in other to make their business become successful. They don’t joke with the idea of taking their business as their second wife or husband simply because they know what they want and they know why they are in the game. But an amateur entrepreneur will never do that, they believe that they will succeed if they want to succeed and being successful is not by hard work. They just don’t want to get out of their comfort zone for once.

They aim high and set achievable goals:
No matter the condition they are, they are always aiming high and setting achievable goals, they don’t believe in impossibilities. They believe that nothing is impossible in this world. Nothing is impossible in this world, if you truly believe. Amateur entrepreneurs aim less and they don’t set an achievable goals, they just don’t have the believe that they can make things happen; I mean they don’t believe that things are possible.

They know how to manage risk:
Ability to manage risk is one of the factors that makes a mastermind entrepreneur become successful.A mastermind entrepreneur knows how to manage risk; they know what it means to take risk. While an amateur entrepreneur doesn’t know how to manage risk, they don’t even want to hear the world risk they are always looking for a way to skip the name called RISK.

They posses the skills:
Mastermind entrepreneurs posses the skills, they are not lame. They know the importance of possessing the skills. For an entrepreneur to be among the mastermind entrepreneurs, he or she must posses the skills, it’s only an amateur entrepreneur that don’t know the usefulness of the skills and why they should posses it. Skills like time management skill, creativity skill, leadership skill etc.

They are passionate:
Mastermind entrepreneurs are always passionate, they love what they do, and they go into a field that suits their interest that’s why they keep dwelling on the mountain top. Amateur entrepreneurs are the ones that are not passionate about what they are doing. They are just doing it due to imitation or just for the sake of doing it, which is not supposed to be.

Negotiations With Big Boys Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs often find themselves in high-stakes negotiations with big, savvy players, with significant negotiating power (referred to herein as “Big Boys”) — whether it be a venture capital firm in connection with a financing or a private equity firm in connection with the sale of the entrepreneur’s business; the situation can indeed be daunting. Below are ten tips for entrepreneurs to help them through this process.

1. Retain a Strong Team. In dealmaking as in business, you are only as good as your team. Accordingly, the first step for the entrepreneur is to retain a strong transaction team — and the quarterback of the team should be an experienced corporate lawyer. Indeed, an experienced corporate lawyer will not only add value to the transaction, but also can help the entrepreneur build-out the team and tailor it to the particular deal (e.g., in an acquisition, a strong tax lawyer is imperative to help structure the deal or in a licensing transaction, a strong IP lawyer is often necessary, etc.). The Big Boys are generally represented by large, aggressive law firms, and the entrepreneur must ensure that his/her team is up to the task.

2. Do Your Diligence. Due diligence is often a critical component to any deal. One form of diligence that is often overlooked, however, is an investigation of the guys on the other side of the table. What’s the reputation of the Big Boy — e.g., is this a venture capital or private equity firm that treats its portfolio companies well or is this a firm that squeezes the little guy? What about the particular individuals with whom you are dealing? What are their reputations? Are they good guys with whom to partner or are they jerks? Indeed, the web is a good starting point for the entrepreneur who needs background information on a particular firm/individual. At a minimum, the entrepreneur should track down other entrepreneurs or CEO’s who have done deals with the guys on the other side of the table and make an informed judgment as to whether they are guys with whom the entrepreneur wants to do business.

3. Create a Competitive Environment. There is nothing that will give the entrepreneur more leverage in connection with any negotiation with a Big Boy than a competitive environment (or the perception of same). Indeed, every investment banker worth his salt understands this simple proposition. Accordingly, a start-up seeking a Series A round financing from a venture capital firm, for example, will clearly be more appealing if such firm learns that other venture capital firms are interested in the start-up. Not only does competition validate a firm’s thinking, but also it appeals to the human nature of the individuals involved. Indeed, everyone wants what he doesn’t have and/or what someone else wants. The entrepreneur will have strong leverage with respect to price and other material terms as competitors are played off of each other and will thus strike the best possible deal. One caveat: as discussed below, it is probably best left to a strong corporate lawyer to play this game on behalf of the entrepreneur; indeed, this strategy must be played carefully and is better-handled by someone with experience.

4. Run the Negotiations Through the Lawyers. The entrepreneur should do what he does best — i.e., build companies — and leave the negotiating to a strong corporate lawyer. Entrepreneurs are generally no match for sophisticated venture capitalists or private equity or corporate development guys who do deals for a living. Accordingly, a smart entrepreneur will stay above the fray and let his corporate lawyer run the deal. The Big Boys may try to do an end-run around the entrepreneur’s lawyer (and may even criticize the lawyer and try to turn the entrepreneur against him), but the entrepreneur should remain disciplined and avoid “side-bar” negotiations with the principal(s) on the other side. This approach is particularly important where the entrepreneur will have an ongoing relationship with the other side post-closing; the goal is thus not to poison that relationship with testy, acrimonious negotiations (i.e., let the lawyers fight it out).

5. Develop a Game Plan. Every deal is different — different players, different negotiating leverage, different risks, different timing — and it is thus critical that the entrepreneur sit down with his transaction team and strategize; in short, he must develop a game plan and then attempt to execute the plan. Indeed, doing deals is no different than any other project: the entrepreneur must think through the issues with a smart, experienced team, set reasonable milestones and then monitor the progress. Rigorous analysis throughout this process is paramount.

6. Be Careful with LOI’s. A letter of intent (an “LOI”) — sometimes referred to as a term sheet or memorandum of understanding — is often executed in connection with all types of deals. The entrepreneur must understand that, depending on the deal and the context, there are different LOI strategies and considerations that must be addressed. For example, in the acquisition context, a selling entrepreneur should try to negotiate all of the material terms of the deal in the LOI when the entrepreneur’s leverage is the strongest; on the other hand, a buying entrepreneur’s main goal with respect to the LOI is merely to lock-up the seller and prohibit it from shopping the deal for a reasonable period of time. Another major concern with respect to LOI’s is that they may be deemed enforceable by a court of law (i.e., be deemed a binding agreement) — despite express language in the LOI to the contrary. The lesson here is simple: an LOI should not be executed without the advice of competent counsel.